Marta Králiková,  Shaken but Not Broken: Slovak politics after the murder of Ján Kuciak, Eastblog, Universität Wien, 07/2018

Marta Králiková,  Shaken but Not Broken: Slovak politics after the murder of Ján Kuciak, Eastblog, Universität Wien, 07/2018

The shocking murder of the investigative journalist Ján Kuciak (27) and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová (27) has led to public outcry and the demise of the government in March 2018. Four months later, Slovakia still struggles with a crisis of trust towards public institutions. This is intensified by continued efforts from governmental parties to maintain power, based on their unfettered access to resources. The round of civic protests organised by the initiative ‘For Decent Slovakia’ across Slovak cities has shaken the government coalition in an unprecedented way: it has led to the resignation of both the prime minister and the minister of interior, as well as the chief of police. Yet the public remains critical and many consider these changes as merely cosmetic, far from addressing the root causes of the problems afflicting the country in recent months.

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