Report: On Brexit, Post‐Brexit Europe and the V4.

The purpose of this report is to map the interests of the Visegrad 4 countries (V4; the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) towards Brexit and post-Brexit Europe, and identify similarities in the views of the four countries where they can work together. Specifically, the report examines V4 interests towards three aspects of Brexit and post-Brexit Europe: interests towards the EU-UK deal itself; interests related to Brexit-induced changes in the UK; and interests on EU level changes caused by Brexit. All three aspects are analysed with a focus on economic, security and institutional issues.

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Matúš Mišík, On the way towards the Energy Union, Energy, Volume 111, September 2016

Matúš Mišík (Katedra politológie FiF UK) publikoval v prestížnom vedeckom časopise Energy štúdiu On the way towards the Energy Union: Position of Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia towards external energy security integration o postojoch Rakúska, Slovenska a Českej republiky v otázkach energetickej bezpečnosti. 

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